Little Stint

Calidris minuta

Armenian Name: Ճնճղուկ ավազակտցար
Little Stint

See Plate 30 for Little Stint and other similar species

Resident Status: Migrant
Abundance: Common
Length:12-14 cm, Wing Span:34-37 cm
Distribution Map: Map 139.
Description: Tiny sandpiper with short black bill and legs.
Adult (Breeding): Reddish and black upperparts with pale V on mantle, breast reddish streaked with gray, white underparts.
Adult (Non-breeding): Gray above, white below.
Juvenile: Paler orange-brown upperparts with white V on back, pale gray nape and half-collar, white underparts, and orange patch on side of breast.
Similar Species: Differs from other sandpipers by tiny size, short straight bill, and pale V on back.
Behavior: Typically walks rapidly with occasional darting runs. Often feeds in large flocks on exposed mud or sand using rapid pecking motions.
Habitat: Shores of ponds or lakes.
Food: Aquatic invertebrates.