Semi-collared Flycatcher

Ficedula semitorquata

Armenian Name: Կիսասպիտակավիզ ճանճորս
Semi-collared Flycatcher

See Plate 51 for Semi-collared Flycatcher and other similar species

Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:13 cm, Wing Span:23.5-24 cm
Distribution Map: Map 292.
Adult (Breeding): Male is black above with white half-collar, one or two medium-sized white forehead patches, and white outertail feathers. Wing shows white upper wingbar, large white wing patch, and medium-sized white spot at base of primaries. Underparts white. Female is gray-brown above with paler rump, white upper wingbar, small spot at base of primaries; off-white below.
Adult (Non-breeding): Both sexes similar to breeding female.
Juvenile: Pattern like female but with pale spots above and dark blotching on breast.
Similar Species: Adults differ from adult European Pied Flycatcher and Collared Flycatcher by the white upper wingbar.
Behavior: Feeds high in the canopy and on the ground. Flicks wings simultaneously or one at a time while raising and lowering tail.
Habitat: Deciduous forest, orchards, scrub; river gorges when migrating.
Food: Invertebrates.
Nest: Cup of plant fibers in tree cavity or nest box.
Eggs: 18 mm, 3-7, pale blue.