Common Crane

Grus grus

(G. g. lilfordi)

Armenian Name: Մոխրագույն կռունկ
Species Status: Threatened Species - Species of Special Concern
Common Crane

See Plate 3 for Common Crane and other similar species

Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:110-120 cm, Wing Span:220-245 cm
Distribution Map: Map 96.
Description: Large bird with long neck and legs extended in flight; large tuft of plumes covers tail.
Adult: Gray with black head with white stripe from side of head onto black neck; red crown patch and eye visible at close range. Often appears very pale at a distance.
Juvenile: Orange-brown head and upper neck.
Similar Species: Differs from Demoiselle Crane by larger size and gray lower neck and breast. Unlike herons, neck held straight in flight.
Behavior: In flight, head, neck, and long legs appear to droop below body. Flight shows powerful wingbeats and long glides; soars on migration and flies in V-formation. Dancing display is characteristic in spring.
Habitat: Mountain steppe with small wetlands, often adjacent to crop fields or meadows.
Food: Plants, worms, insects, small vertebrates.
Nest: Mound of vegetation with shallow cup, in marshes.
Eggs: 94 mm, 2, pale yellow-brown or olive with red-brown spots.