Ortolan Bunting

Emberiza hortulana

Armenian Name: Այգու դրախտապան
Ortolan Bunting

See Plate 54 for Ortolan Bunting and other similar species

Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Common
Length:16-17 cm, Wing Span:23-29 cm
Distribution Map: Map 310.
Adult: Male: green-gray head and upper breast, yellowish eyering, yellow mustache, and throat, densely streaked back, orange-brown underparts. Female: duller with a finely-streaked crown and upper breast.
Immature: Yellowish mustache and throat; underparts brown-pink with fine streaks.
Similar Species: Differs from other buntings by combination of yellow mustache and eyering, and dense streaks on back.
Behavior: Most often on ground.
Habitat: Semidesert, mountain steppe, alpine meadows.
Food: Seeds, invertebrates.
Nest: Cup of dry stems on ground shelter by foliage or rock.
Eggs: 20 mm, 4-6, bluish-white, dark spots.