Black Stork

Ciconia nigra

Armenian Name: Սև արագիլ
Species Status: Endangered Species - Species of Special Concern
Black Stork

See Plate 5 for Black Stork and other similar species

Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Rare
Length:95-100 cm, Wing Span:145-155 cm
Distribution Map: Map 21.
Adult: Black above glossed with purple-green; dark head and neck contrast with white lower breast and belly. Bill, area around eye, and legs are red.
Juvenile: Browner with gray-green bill and legs.
Similar Species: Differs from White Stork by black head, neck, and upperparts.
Behavior: Hunts in shallow wetlands. Flies with neck extended; more flapping and less soaring than White Stork.
Habitat: Mountain steppe, typically near forested areas; lakes, fish ponds.
Food: Fish, aquatic insects, amphibians, other small animals.
Nest: Large platform of twigs in tall tree or on cliff; only documented nest in Armenia was in a shallow cave in cliff.
Eggs: 65 mm, 3-5, white.