Lesser Kestrel

Falco naumanni

Armenian Name: Տափաստանային հողմավար բազե
Species Status: Endangered Species - Species of Special Concern
Lesser Kestrel

See Plate 11 for Lesser Kestrel and other similar species See Plate 15 for Lesser Kestrel and other similar species in flight

Flight Characteristics: Long bluntly-pointed tail with dark subterminal band and slightly longer central tail feathers. Male has blue-gray head, whitish underwings, and pale blue-gray tail base. Female and juvenile have lightly-spotted underwing coverts, and faintly-barred flight feathers. Flies with short rapid wingbeats. Hovers infrequently. Often seen in small flocks perched on wires.
Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:29-32 cm, Wing Span:58-72 cm
Distribution Map: Map 53.
Description: Slim falcon with white claws. Tip of closed wing almost reaches tail tip; central tail feathers protrude slightly. Male has blue-gray head, greater wing coverts, and tail; unspotted reddish-brown back, and sparsely spotted underparts. Female is red-brown with dark spots and streaks above; dark streaks below.
Immature: Immature male is spotted above with barred tail.
Similar Species: Differs from Common Kestrel by smaller size, white claws, lack of bold mustache mark, and protruding central tail feathers. Male Common Kestrel has spotted back and no blue-gray on wings.
Behavior: Often gregarious. Hunts in open areas; hovers less with faster wingbeats than Common Kestrel. Often perches on telephone poles.
Habitat: Semidesert, mountain steppe near cliffs.
Food: Insects, lizards, other small animals.
Nest: Slight depression in cavity opening in cliff, ravine, or building.
Eggs: 35 mm, 3-5, white, orange spots