Red-breasted Merganser

Mergus serrator

Armenian Name: Սղոցակտուց բադ
Red-breasted Merganser

See Plate 19 for Red-breasted Merganser and other similar species

Resident Status: Casual
Length:52-58 cm, Wing Span:70-86 cm
Distribution Map: Map 86.
Description: Long slender body and red bill. Male: dark green head, uneven crest, black back, reddish-brown breast. Female: reddish-brown head, crest, and upper neck; gray upperparts. Lacks sharp contrast between head and breast. In flight, shows dark bar across white wing patch.
Similar Species: Common Merganser.
Behavior: In flight, holds head, body, and tail level. Swims and dives skillfully
Habitat: Lakes, rivers.
Food: Fish, aquatic invertebrates, plants.